Community Development Interns

City of Madras

Madras, OR United States

During this internship, the student will gain valuable hands-on experience and develop a range of transferable skills that will prepare them for a career in community development, urban planning, or related fields. By the end of the internship period, the student will be able to:

1. Assist in Project Management: The student may be involved in various aspects of project management, such as coordinating meetings, tracking progress, and ensuring deadlines are met.

2. Communicate Effectively: Through interactions with colleagues, city officials, and community members, the student will enhance their communication skills, both written and verbal, in professional settings.

3. Navigate Regulatory Processes: The student will become familiar with zoning regulations, and land use ordinances, gaining practical knowledge of the regulatory processes involved in community development projects.

4. Participate in Community Engagement: The student will have opportunities to engage with the local community, attend public meetings, and assist in outreach efforts to gather input on proposed development projects.

5. Collaborate in a Team Environment: The student will work collaboratively with departmental staff and other stakeholders, learning to contribute effectively to team-based projects and initiatives.

Scope of Work:
Interns may be tasked with the following projects, which involves updating the development code and the Housing Action Plan and Homeless Plan.

Scope of Work for Development Code:

1. Updating the SDCs methodology code, suggesting the removal of the percentage park dedication and incorporating SDC credits.

2. Bond-related revisions.

3. Tier adjustments for Home Occupations.

4. Regulations concerning Food Carts/Trucks.

5. Specifying sign dimensions in MUE and OS/PF zones.

6. Including "Notice as Decision" in the code.

7. Amendments related to Apartments: Clarification that 24 dwelling units of apartments can be constructed in multiple buildings as per Table 18.15.040-2 (Apartments Limitation & Qualifications).

8. Requirements for Public Park/Open Space Dedication & for Master Plan submitals.

9. Guidelines for Manufactured Dwelling Parks in R-2 Zone.

10. Verification of irrigation rights removal from the property, in accordance with the code.

11. Permitting Pet facility/shelter use in the MUE zone.

12. Regulations regarding Exterior colors.

13. Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) for nonconforming properties (e.g., C-1).

14. Working on additional projects assigned to interns according to their individual skills and experiences.

Scope of Work for Housing Action Plan and Homeless Plan:

1. Research and Data Support:

  • Conduct research on the housing market, homeless programs, and population demographics.
  • Provide data analysis and research reports related to the identified issues.

2. Community Engagement:

  • Facilitate community engagement by suggesting potential interviewees or individuals who can contribute to focus groups.
  • Assist in gathering contact information for relevant stakeholders.

3. Development of Homelessness Recommendations:

  • Review the initial draft of the Recommendations Report and offer comprehensive feedback to refine the content.
  • Provide consolidated, coherent comments for incorporation into the final draft.
  • Assist in structuring and preparing the accompanying PowerPoint presentation for effective communication of findings and recommendations.
Experience Level
Entry (0-1 year)
AICP Level
Community or Neighborhood Development
Salary Range